jueves, 25 de junio de 2009


Más de 70 ó más entrenamientos GRATIS
More than 70 FREE Workouts
De vacaciones, viajando ó simplemente eres nuevo en CrossFit? Aquí hay una lista de rutinas que puedes hacer con el menor equipo posible.

Vacationing, traveling, student at school, or just new to CrossFit? Here is a list of workouts you can try on your own with little to no equipment required.
La mayoría de estas rutinas pueden hacerse en cualquier lugar - cuarto de hotel, dorm de tu universidad, garaje, parque local. Lo más que puedes necesitar será una barra para hacer pull-ups, una soga de saltar y un cronómetro. Si realizas estas rutinas al máximo de tus habilidades, te aseguro que tendrás un buen workout.
The majority of these workouts can be done just about anywhere - hotel room, dorm room, garage, backyard, or local park. At most, you will need a pull-up bar, jump rope, and a stop watch. If you perform these workouts at your maximum ability, you will be assured a great workout.

Todas estas rutinas son para tiempo a menos que se diga lo contrario.
All of these workouts are done For Time unless other wise noted!
1. Run 100 meters, 20x air squats, 10 rounds.
2. Run 200 meters, 50x air squats, 3 rounds.
3. Run 400 meters, rest 2 minutes, 4 rounds.
4. Run 400 meters, 50x air squats, 3 rounds.
5. Run 400 meters, 50x pull-ups, 3 rounds.
6. “Nicole”: Run 400 meters, max pull-ups, 5 rounds.
7. Run 400 meters, 30x air squats, hand stand for 30 seconds, 3 rounds for time.
8. Run 800 meters, 4 rounds.
9. Run 800 meters, rest 2 minutes, 3 rounds.
10. “Griff”: Run 800 meters, 400 meters backwards, 2 rounds.
11. Run 800 meters, 50x push-ups, 3 rounds.
12. Run 1 mile for time.
13. Run 1 mile, 50x air squats, for time.
14. Run 1 mile with 100 air squats at midpoint, for time.
15. Run 1 mile and do 10 push-ups every 1 minute.
16. Run 1 mile, stopping every minute to do 20 air squats.
17. Run 1 minute, squat 1 minute 5 rounds.
18. Run 5K.
19. Run 10K.
20. Sprint 50 meters, 10 rounds.
21. Sprint 50 meters, 10x push ups, 10 rounds.
22. Sprint 100 meters, 10 rounds.
23. Sprint 100 meters, 30x air squats, 8 rounds.
24. Sprint 400 meters uphill, then sprint 400 meters downhill.
25. Run with high knees for 15 seconds and drop into a pushup, get back up and run with high knees again for 15 seconds.......repeat 5x. Each pushup counts as 1 rep. Rest. Do 3 more rounds.
26. Handstand practice, 25 tries at free handstands, then a 1 mile run at 80%.
27. Handstand 5x 30 seconds. Run: 2x 800 meters for time. Do the handstands first. Rest and recover and do the runs with a rest in between that is as long as it took you to run your first 800 meters.
Ejercicios solitarios/Single Exercises
28. 50 air squats, 4 rounds. rest for 2 minutes between rounds.
29. 50 air squats x 5. Rest equal amounts as it took to do each 50.
30. 100 air squats, rest 3 minutes, 100 air squats.
31. 100 burpees.
32. 100 box jumps.
33. 100 pull-ups.
34. 100 sumo deadlift high pulls.
35. 150 burpees.
36. 150 box jumps.
37. 150 pull-ups.
38.250 jumping jacks.
39. 250 push-ups.
40. 400 meter walking lunge.
Ejercicios múltiples/multiples rondas Multiple Exercises / Multiple Rounds
41. 5 handstand to jacknife to high jump, 5 handstand to jacknife to tuck jump, 5 handstand to jacknife to split jump, 3 rounds.
42. 10 air squats, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 3 rounds.
43. 20 jumping jacks, 20 burpees, 20 air squats, 3 rounds.
44. 20 air squats, 20 burpees, 20 push-ups, 3 rounds.
45. 30 push-ups, 30 second handstand or Plank holds, 3 rounds.
46. 20 sit-ups with support under the lumbar spine, 20 push-ups, run 400 meters, 4 rounds.
47. Burpee to the push- up position, 10 push-ups, burpee out, 5 rounds.
48. With eyes closed: 10 air squats, open eyes..do 10 push-ups, 5 rounds.
49. 10 push-ups, 10 hollow rocks, run 200 meters, 5 rounds.
50. 30 second handstand against a wall, followed by a 30 second static hold at the bottom of the squat, 5 rounds.
51. 30 second handstand, 60 second squat hold (at the bottom of the squat), 5 rounds.
52. 7 squats, 7 burpees, 7 rounds.
53. 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 rounds.
54. 10 sit-ups and 10 burpees, 10 rounds.
55. Handstand hold, 30 seconds, squat hold, 30 seconds, 10 rounds.
56. 5 push-ups with a 30 second plank hold (a hold at the top of the push up, arms extended and body tight like a plank!) at the end of each 5 reps, 10 rounds. Then 3x 100m dash @ 80%.
57. 5 push-ups, 5 squats, 5 sit-ups, 20 rounds.
58. 5 squats, 5 push-ups, 5 sit-ups, 20 rounds.
(Tabata: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds. Count your lowest score.
OR 30 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest, 8 rounds. Count your lowest score.)

59. Tabata Squats.
60. Tabata Push-ups.
61. Tabata Pull-ups.
62. Tabata Squats with eyes closed.
63. Tabata...20 seconds on 10 second rest 8 rounds of...tuck jumps and then sit ups.
64. Tabata...20 seconds on 10 second rest 8 rounds of...squats and then push-ups.
65. Tabata...20 seconds on 10 second rest 8 rounds of...push-ups and then pull-ups.
66. Handstand to Jack-Knife to vertical jump. 30 Reps.
67. 10x 30 second handstand to 30 second bottom of the squat hold.
68. Handstand 10 seconds jack-knife to vertical jump. 25 reps.
69. 100 jumping jacks, 75 air squats, 50 push ups, 25 burpees. For time.
70. 3x 20 tuck jumps, 3x 30 second handstands.
71. Test yourself on a max set of push ups...tight body chest to the floor...full extension! If you cannot do “mens style” do your pushups from the knees. After that do 100 air squats for time.

2 comentarios:

  1. Muchisimas Gracias por el Aporte desde El Salvador.


  2. hola mi amigo! cordial saludo ^ ^!
    su blog se ve bonita 0_0

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